Welcome to Scott Inspection Services
Scott Inspection Services has nineteen years’ experience. We provide valuable, non-biased reports that are thorough, yet easy for the home-buyer to understand.
Our inspections follow MA Standards and Practices. We’ll inspect the exterior and interior components, heating and cooling systems, foundation, roof, attic, basement, plumbing, electrical systems and more. We will inform you of defects that may lead to major expense in the future and potential health and safety concerns. We will help you understand what are issues that should be addressed immediately and those that can be put on a to do list.Using our computer generated software, you will receive a detailed narrative report with color pictures. In addition to showing you the important maintenance needs of your home during the inspection, you will receive a guide to operating your home with your report. Also we provide you with a state of the art electronic home binder to keep track of all your future home repairs and updates that will be invaluable when the time comes to sell your property.
Our intention is to help buyers make an informed decision. We want you to have peace of mind, knowing your new home will be a wise investment.
All General Home Inspections include “The Ultimate Home Book” A guide to operating your home and a free lifetime subscription to “HomeBinder” an online binder that helps you manage your home maintenance needs and organize important repairs and receipts to help sell your home.
Check out the video below: